Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Finish Line!

12 weeks ago our group of runners first began their journey to cross the finish line of running their race.  They have been focused and committed to their goal.  It has been an AWESOME experience to see the perseverance and determination of each and everyone of them!!  Seeing runners who cringed at running more than a minute at a time, to now going over 30 minutes without stopping is so inspirational to me!
The final chapter of our devotional is titled "The Finish Line", and shares the correlation of being a Christian and running.  It is a comparison that rarely would you see that you can have tears of joy and pain at the same time.  When we commit to a race, it means we have signed up and as a Christian the commitment is salvation.  Both can take you to each end of the spectrum: pain and suffering to the feeling of bliss and hope.  You may feel it is impossible, others question you and you may fall down....however with the finish line being your goal, you will accomplish your goal you set out to do, show others that YES YOU CAN and you will pull yourself back up!
I can't tell you HOW INCREDIBLY PROUD I am of these wonderful trusting people.  The feeling you will have when you "run your race", accomplish your goal and cross that finish line is like no other.  As stated in the book: "It is only the preview of the feeling we hope to achieve when we cross that final finish line and we hear the voice of our Father saying" "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." ~Matthew 25:21

Holy Hugs,


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3 week challenge = Accountability!

Discipline is a word easy for me to say, however can be difficult to do:)  That is why I am excited about having this mini challenge!! WOOHOO. Challenges are positive when you realize they are for you and no one else.  It is about striving to improve yourself and not to compare with others.  You have been created with YOUR OWN IDENTITY and He wants you to be YOUR best.  I have found that there is always going to be someone smarter, talented, beautiful, kinder than I.  With this I have understood that it isn't about having an unhealthy comparison, it is about having that someone as an example to inspire and motivate me to be my best!
That is what my hope for is with this give you some tools to motivate you with YOUR OWN faith, food and fitness journey to be your best.  Each week I will help you set a goal, keep you and each other accountable, and with God as our co-pilot we will do this one day at a time!

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. " ~Ephesians 2:10

Holy Hugs!