Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fear....pack your bags and leave!

Have you ever tried something for the first time, or decided it is time to do something different? You are all excited about your new journey and plan....and then something happens and seems to take over and move itself into your head....FEAR. 

For me, this unwelcoming friend (or so it thinks it is) showed up to set me into a mental spin.  You know what....that is what I have figured out is that this so called FEAR friend is just taking up space in my head and all I have to do is pack its bags and get it out!!  I have learned to replace FEAR with PASSION!....and I can't do it alone!!  Focusing on Christ with every day and every new experience replaces that unwanted mental house guest with fire, zest and spirit!!!

Believe in all that you do!!!

Holy Hugs,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Food Fight

Do you feel it can be a struggle to keep your weight in check?  You exercise daily and you think you eat fairly why can it seem like a constant battle between you and food?  I can say I have had these fights and there have been times when the food has won, however now more times than not I am able to conquer it!!
Coming from a person who loves food, there have been some crazy things I have tried to win these food fights when they occurred.  What I have found is it isn't the "food" that is attacking me, it is "me" that was on the attack.  Having the right mindset, knowing what triggers would set me off in the wrong direction and knowing how to handle and conquer it has brought me to a healthy weight that I can maintain.
Here are 3 suggestions that I hope can help you when the "fight" occurs. 
  1. Food will not solve my problems, I will solve them!
  2. The food and extra bites will be there tomorrow if not another day :)
  3. Have an accountability partner and stay connected!!!
Is it going to be easy? Probably not, however with consistency and believing it will become your new habit!

Holy Hugs :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

BELIEVE! What would you do?

BELIEVE....this is my mantra! :)  The mind is such a powerful tool, and when positive thoughts and words are 1st......all that negativism is SMASHED OUT! WOOHOO.  It doesn't matter if it is with your work, workouts, relationships, ect....the power of a positive "believing" mind is incredible.

I have to share an experience my family had yesterday.  We had left the Rose Theater after seeing "Click Clack Moo" (I have to say this is one of my favorite children's books), and we were driving to my mother-in-laws.  We were downtown and a man trying to cross the street was standing in the middle of the intersection! People were driving by him without even stopping!!  I told my husband to pull over because I thought something was wrong. As I ran to him, he was wavering as he held onto his cane.  He was disoriented and his mouth looked bloody.  I asked if he was OK....he said he was numb and his chest was hurting.  He looked at me and said he didn't know how he was going to get to the sidewalk as he began crossing.  "I really believed I could get there." I yelled as my husband to call 911....people continued to drive by.  My husband jumped out and helped to get him out of the middle of the street.....its amazing how heavy someone becomes when they can't move!  A kind couple pulled over to help us as well and we got him to rest against the car.  Paramedics arrived quickly and they were able to take over.  As they were wheeling him in the ambulance he told us thank you.

This got me thinking....what would I have done if I was alone with just my children.  Would I have stopped?  What would you do?  He believed and he did succeed! :)

Make the best of every minute, every hour and every day!! 

Holy Hugs,