Sunday, April 15, 2012

Food Fight

Do you feel it can be a struggle to keep your weight in check?  You exercise daily and you think you eat fairly why can it seem like a constant battle between you and food?  I can say I have had these fights and there have been times when the food has won, however now more times than not I am able to conquer it!!
Coming from a person who loves food, there have been some crazy things I have tried to win these food fights when they occurred.  What I have found is it isn't the "food" that is attacking me, it is "me" that was on the attack.  Having the right mindset, knowing what triggers would set me off in the wrong direction and knowing how to handle and conquer it has brought me to a healthy weight that I can maintain.
Here are 3 suggestions that I hope can help you when the "fight" occurs. 
  1. Food will not solve my problems, I will solve them!
  2. The food and extra bites will be there tomorrow if not another day :)
  3. Have an accountability partner and stay connected!!!
Is it going to be easy? Probably not, however with consistency and believing it will become your new habit!

Holy Hugs :)

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