Friday, December 9, 2011


"I don't have enough time to get everything done?"  Do you ever feel like this? I DO...especially this time of year!  This is often a time when many of us don't take time for ourselves by keeping  physically and spiritually filled.  We might be "filling" our tummies :), but what we need to remember that we need to have balance in all areas so we don't become unbalanced.

I try and get some exercise in daily....even if it is 10 minutes....and I use that time to pray and praise God for all the blessings He has giving me.

Here are some quick exercises that I do when limited with time:
1.  Burpees:  always a good, intense exercise that works the core
2. Planks:  various planks with using legs to increase intensity and variety
3. Speed Skater: again high intensity, low impact that works the core

My wish for you is that you do find the time for you and your time with God. 

Holy Hugs!!

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
   ~Psalm 62:5

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