Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now I have Mommy fingers!

I am constantly laughing at the sweet little things my daughter says!  Today my oldest stayed home from school with waking up sick at 3am.  I am happy to say....she is feeling better!  WOOHOO!  While she was on the mend, I asked if she wanted fun Husker painted toes.  She perked right up and said....YES!  This is not her youngest is very much a little diva, however my oldest would be happy with wearing sweats, tennis shoes and her hair in a pony.  I painted them red with a big white "N" on her big toes.  It was about 4 hours after my little one got home that she noticed and asked "why does she have painted fingers like you and pretty toes?" I painted hers as well.  After I finished her fingers, she held them up and said "This is the first time I have Mommy fingers!" :) Oh, the sweet joy of a child's thoughts!!

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