Friday, February 10, 2012 3!

I still get amazed how I seem to find muscles or body parts I didn't know I had:) LOL.  How does your tummy feel today?  Today my legs are feeling new "parts" to them.  I did some different leg exercises I haven't done in awhile....and I can tell this morning.  I would love to share this wonderful experience with you!! today's challenge is performing squats for 1 minute.  Start with your legs a bit wider than shoulder width, hands folded at chest level with elbows at side.  Squat down press your bottom back and aiming for elbows to touch your thighs.  If you want a guide, place a chair behind you...and if you are a beginner, LISTEN to your body and don't go as deep.  Count how many you achieved in a minute and write it down.  It's fun to go back next time and challenge yourself to do more.  To help get you through the exercise......PRAISE and GIVE thanks to God!! 

Have a wonderful day!

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